BMA HF training


Qualifying internship

In order to participate in the PET Biomedical Analytics course, you must have completed a qualifying internship.

The qualifying internship takes place across two days.




  • You must have passed an aptitude test
  • You must have submitted your application and CV in writing or by e-mail


The qualifying internship is not a trial internship!


We no longer have any internships available for 2024.

The PET Biomedical Analytics (BMA) course comprises several internships which students must pass. These internships are offered by the training institutions and are only available to BMA PET students.



  • You must have passed an aptitude test
  • You must have completed a qualifying internship
  • You must have submitted your application and CV in writing or by e-mail

Your contact person

Michèle Rehmann

BMA HF, training BMA HF

Carole Hobbs-Ray - medica

Carole Hobbs-Ray

BMA HF Team Leader haematology, training, vocational trainer in haematology

Dr. Juan Vilares - medica

Juan Vilares

Deputy Head Fertility Diagnostic
BMA HF, Team Leader Fertility, training BMA HF


044 269 99 44 (10-16 Uhr)

Educational Centers

Careum Bildungszentrum

Careum Bildungszentrum

Gloriastrasse 16
8006 Zürich

Telefon: 043 222 52 00
Telefax: 043 222 52 05

Bildungszentrum Gesundheit Stadt-Basel

Binningerstrasse 2
4142 Münchenstein

Telefon: 061 417 77 77
Telefax: 061 417 77 78

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